The Power of Journaling

Gain the confidence that comes with discovering

yourself through a daily journaling habit.

Imagine a life where:

  • You start each day with less stress and anxiety
  • You face life's challenges in a calm, confident way
  • You design your life around what matters most to you
  • You uncover hidden fears and insecurities that have been holding you back
  • You create new internal conversations about what is possible for you 
  • You love and accept yourself, exactly the way you are, and the way you aren't
  • You improve the relationships in your life


That is the Power of Journaling. 


Journaling is quite simply the NUMBER ONE tool to creating the life of your dreams.


And I'm out to teach everyone how to journal their way to a life that feels like theirs again!

"Before I started journaling, I was drowning in grief and overwhelming dissatisfaction following a great loss. Every morning I would meet my pages and little did I know that the pages would soon become my sanctuary.

Now four years later I still eagerly meet myself there each morning, anticipating the profound revelations I uncover as I delve into my own thoughts.

Journaling has become my steadfast companion, a practice I turn to when life veers into chaos and feels unmanageable."

- Josie

Register in The Power of Journaling Today

Course starts January 16th, 2024

The Power of Journaling


payment plan available

  • Accountability and support from me each week
  • Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Call with me to help get the most out of journaling
  • Curated weekly journal prompts to get you asking powerful questions 
  • Hand-picked Accountability partner 
  • Private community for  encouragement, accountability and support

The Power of Journaling

Course Framework


Course Structure

  • Accountability and support from me each week
  • Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Call with me to help get the most out of journaling
  • Hand-picked Accountability partner 
  • Set of curated weekly journal prompts delivered at the start of each week
  •  Access to private community for inspiration and support


Get these bonuses included when you sign up: 


Bonus 1

Look Back to Look Forward Vision Board Workshop

2 part workshop LIVE & RECORDED 

December 30th 10am-11am CST

January 6th, 2024 10am-11am CST

$79 Value

Bonus 2

Save & Make Money Mini-course

4 week self-paced instruction designed to have you save money, AND make money

$49 Value

I can’t wait for you to join The Power of Journaling


If you have read the ABOUT page on my website, then you know my life used to be quite different. I've transformed and reshaped my identity and my life using a lot of tools, the most important of which is a daily journal practice. 

Journaling is gaining immense popularity-- because it WORKS!  But I've heard from so many people that they don't really know how to get to the juice or they quit after a week.

I created this course to teach YOU how to get to the good stuff. I created this course because my deepest desire is for you to know yourself so authentically that you create a life beyond your wildest dreams.


Register in The Power of Journaling Today

Course starts January 16th, 2024

The Power of Journaling


payment plan available

  • Accountability and support from me each week
  • Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Call with me to help get the most out of journaling
  • Curated weekly journal prompts to get you asking powerful questions 
  • Hand-picked Accountability partner 
  • Private community for  encouragement, accountability and support

Don't miss these signup bonuses:


Look Back to Look Forward Vision Board Workshop

2 part workshop LIVE & RECORDED 

December 30th 10am-11am CST

January 6th, 2024 10am-11am CST

$79 Value


Save & Make Money Mini-course

4 week self-paced instruction designed to have you save money, AND make money 

$49 Value

Now is the Time

If you are ready to learn this transformative style of journaling and create a life that you love, daily, then this is your chance.
Don't wait. The life of your dreams is not something to wait for.